
I dare not worship Love, whose warm hands hold
The true immortal worth of mortal breath,
And every deathless beauty this side death,
And seeds wherein are hidden manifold
Spring's promise, summer's glory, autumn's gold —
I dare not, for so many voices say,
" I am the Mighty Love thou must obey —
The Love thy dreams foreshadowed and foretold. "
I thirst for Love, and yet I dare not slake
My thirst at his cool fountain's singing flow;
I long to love, and yet I dare not stake
Eternal happiness upon one throw;

Queen Alexandra Day


Mother-Queen, Mother-Queen,
How hast thou heard, how hast thou seen,
Thy people's woe?
Are there not golden bars between
The high and low?
How hast thou heard? How hast thou seen?
How dost thou know?
What can our lowly sorrow mean
To one so high?
Though thou listen, and though thou lean,
Down from the sky,
Thou canst not tell our sorrow and teen,
Nor hear us sigh.


Throned afar
On a golden star,
How canst thou guess
What sore distress,

A Meeting

I had been lost and lonely, and the stars
Like dust in desert places had been whirled,
And even things of beauty had been bars
Between me and the Spirit-of-the-World.

For vainly, ever vainly, had I sought,
In many a lovely body's lily shrine,
Beauty of Spirit, till one morning brought
Such beauty in that lovely body of thine.

Then through thine eyes into thy soul I went,
And through mine eyes thy spirit flashed like flame:
For one eternal moment we were blent,
And all the world a world of Love became.

The Unity of Love

Lord, thou on earth didst love thine own,
Didst love them to the end;
O still from thy celestial throne,
Let gifts of love descend.

The love the Father bears to thee,
His own Eternal Son,
Fill all thy saints, till all shall be
In pure affection one.

As thou for us didst stoop so low,
Warmed by love's holy flame,
So let our deeds of kindness flow
To all who bear thy name.

One blessed fellowship in love,
Thy living Church should stand,
Till faultless, she at last above,

In Memoriam: Fred Noel Paton

Lover of Beauty, to the world he gave
Beauty of Love, of beauteous things the best;
Lover of Courage, he himself was brave
To bear the brunt of battle, and the test

Of pain and sorrow; and though now his way
Lies in the silent Land of the Unseen,
Still are his courage and his love our stay,
Still on his faith and fortitude we lean.

In the Rangitaiki Valley

O valley of waving broom,
O lovely, lovely light,
O heart of the world, red-gold!
Breast high in the blossom I stand;
It beats about me like waves
Of a magical, golden sea.

The barren heart of the world
Alive at the kiss of the sun,
The yellow mantle of Summer
Flung over a laughing land,
Warm with the warmth of her body,
Sweet with the kiss of her breath.

O valley of waving broom,
O lovely, lovely light,
O mystical marriage of Earth
With the passionate Summer sun!

Thy Beauty is Bugle

Thy beauty is bugle and banner — bugle, and banner, and prize!
I march to the beat of thy heart, and the oriflamme of thine eyes.
My falchion flashes thy smile, as I fight to the far-off goal —
The star of love that burns on the battlement of thy soul.
O Queen! the bugle is blowing, the banners flutter and stream;
Thy heart is beating such music, I fight as one in a dream.
I am blind; in my blood there is thunder; there is lightning around and above;
I have cloven a cohort asunder, I swoon on the ramparts of love.

The Blue Bird


I sought the Blue Bird near and far,
In verdant woods and azure skies,
On purple peaks of Paradise,
In golden gardens of a star;
But in your eyes
It flits, and flies,
And in your heart its nestings are —
So near, so far.

Like a wild lark that longs for space,
It beats and beats against the blue
Of your bright eyes, then flutters through
Your eyelids, and lights up your face,
As all the true
Warm love of you
Comes flying to my love's embrace,


A little while, and all in silence ends
My best or worst! On each at last descends
The fatal curtain! Soul, thy part is played:
No voice thou heedest now of foes or friends!

In one strait space of clinging earth I lie,
Unmoved for storm or sunlight drifting by:
Yea, though one praise and love, or all forget,
That stark thing recks not, that but now was I.

Ah! so in dreams tired life affects content,
And wakes rebellious. " Not for this were sent,
My God, " she cries, " Thy beauty and Thy love,

Wdding Ode

(To a Poetess)


Like swans on an enchanted lake
Your dreamy days have drifted by;
Now, lovely, dreamy Lady, wake,
A Glory lightens in the sky!
The empyrean dome above
Is burning, blinding, sapphire blue;
Your misty morning dream of love
Is now a dream come true.


We two have wandered hand in hand
In merry moonlit fairyland;
We two have culled Parnassus thyme
Above the clouds on peaks sublime;
But far more bright
Than fairy-light
This love that dawns upon your eyes,


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