Adieux a Marie Stuart


Queen, for whose house my fathers fought,
With hopes that rose and fell,
Red star of boyhood's fiery thought,

They gave their lives, and I, my queen,
Have given you of my life,
Seeing your brave star burn high between
Men's strife.

The strife that lightened round their spears
Long since fell still: so long

Had We Ne'er Loved

O had we ne'er looed one anither
We had neer been curs'd togither
Never shunned and never hated
Had we never been created

Woman in her own true nature
Is a fair and lovely creature
Man a savage from the wild
But when loved a very child

Had they ne'er been put togither
They'd ne'er slighted ane anither
Rift and scar[r]ed like clouds o' thunder
Now they're lost and lone asunder

Lost in crowds and lone togither
Love says love ye one anither
Love's anither name for sorrow

My Ain Heart Love Is Thine

My ain heart love is thine
If I'd the mair to spare
Love thoughts are pure as heaven divine
They're Truth and naething mair
And thine is truth or has been sae
Till parting made us twain
The spring that makes the grasses grow
Will sure come green again

Thy voice will come a shorter way
Than e'er it did of yore
For we've been married many a day
And coyness now is o'er
Ive wiped the gold dust frae thy shoe
As we clomb the King Cup hill
And brush'd thy new gown often too
And I felt no kind of ill —

My Everlasting Love

My love is like the Gilliflower
I planted by mysell
My love is like a Willowflower
A blossom wi'out smell


How sweet and very fair my love
Like diamonds are her eyes
Like dew drops sparkling from above
That on the white rose lies


Her cheeks are like the Red rose tree
Her bosom like the white
Her thoughts from Heaven surely be

Dress Does Not Make the Man

My love is like the white thorn tree
When its leaves are blown away
His cheeks are red as haw berry
His dress is never gay


My love is like the Bramble bushes
Whose leaves lie on the ground
While hes sitting on the rushes
His looks have power to wound


His dress — that does not make the man
In one dress all the year
Wi coarse smock frock as brown as tan

Meet Me My Own Pretty Dove!

Oh come i' the evening my own pretty dove
When the dews o' the Heaven cool the fever o' love
When the day stars o daiseys shut up in green buds
And the eyes o' Anemones close i' the woods —


Come love in thy airy straw hat and new gown
And we'll ramble at even away from the town
We'll ramble away by the hawthorn and briar
Where the waggon ruts lead to the woods free from mire


The Sailors Return

The white thorn is budding and rushes are green
The Ivy leaves rustle around the ash tree
On the sweet sunny bank blue violets are seen
That tremble beneath the wild hum of the bee
The sun beams they play on the brooks plashy ripples
Like millions o' suns in each swirl looping on
The rush nods and bows till its tassel'd head tipples
Right into the whimpled flood kissing the stones


'Twas down in the cowpasture just at the gloaming
I met a young woman sweet tempered and mild

To Betsy

Shineth the moon in silence now
In her palace skies on high
And beautiful the white thorn bough
Catches thy silver light and by
An Angel from beneath its shade
Stands Betsy in her love
Stars an illumination made
And peeped from realms above
Inspiring with celestial aid
The beautiful in love

A charm spread round the quiet place
By moonlight calmness given
The soft rays fell upon her face
And told of peace in heaven
She stood beneath the hawthorn shade
A sweet and blushing maid

The Daisey wan the primrose pale

The daisey wan the primrose pale
Seem nought but white & yellow flowers
To every heedless passer bye
When they attend the springs young hours
But they are loves & friends to me
That tell me in each short sojourn
Of what they felt & I did feel
In springs that never will return


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