Thee I Love Bonny Lassie O

Thee I love and ever will bonny Lassie O
Let us gang up maple hill bonny Lassie O
While the thrush is singing there And the oakwood darken fair
Hasten and meet me there bonny Lassie O.

Corn bottles more than blue bonny Lassie O
And corn poppies scarlet hue bonny Lassie O
And the rose and the wild brere Crowds wi' blooms and summer here
So gang up maple hill bonny Lassie O.

Sky larks are in the air bonny Lassie O
The brook rins o'er pebbles fair bonny Lassie O



True love lives in absence,
Like angels we meet her
Dear as dreams of our childhood
Aye, dearer and sweeter.


The words we remember
By absence unbroken
Are sweeter and dearer
Than when they were spoken.


There's a charm in the eye
There's a smile on the face
Time, distance, or trouble
Can never deface.




The summer is waining
The autumn is staining
The hedges and woods with the hues of the west
So come in the dell
To bid it farewell
For sweets at their parting are often the best.


Think where we met last love
And live for the past love
For sweet were those walks I once wandered with thee
On the banks of the Nenn



In bed she like a lily lay
Her sleep it heaved in happy sighs
A dream upon her lips did play
And sunrise hid within her eyes
Like lily leaves her white eye-lids
With jetty fringes o'er them lies
And each improper gaze forbids
From all who would their sleep surprise


And when she 'woke to see the morn
No rose in June was e're so fair
Her bosom blushed right through the lawn

My Love She is bonny

My love she is bonny and sweeter than ony rose
A fairer and sweeter I never did see
Her cheeks the rose bloom and grecian her fine nose
And her eyes bright as dew drops upon the rose tree.

The woodbines the hedge roses blooming
Not brighter and sweeter than Hellen can be
Her face is a fair one her eye is a rare one
As bright as the dew drops upon the rose tree.

O' beautiful Hellen I pass by thy dwelling
Where lilly's and roses and streaky woodbine
O'er her windows are blooming in summers perfuming



'Tis April and the morning love
Awakes in balmy dew
Flowers are the meads adorning love
In yellow white and blue
And if thy heart is true my love
As true it used to be
Then leave thy cot and kye my love
And walk the fields with me.


And we will walk the meadow love
And we will walk the grove
And by the winding river love
We'll walk and talk of love
And by the white thorn bushes love
Just budding into green
Where the shaded fountain rushes love
We'll steal a kiss unseen.


Lucy bonny Lucy Brown
The prettiest girl in our town
With her in love I've often been
By shady woods and meadows green.


Her face was like the apple round
Her voice had music in the sound
The prettiest girl in all the town
Was Lucy bonny Lucy Brown.


Her cheek was soft her eye was bright
Like diamonds of the purest light
She lived the toast of all the town
The prettiest girl was Lucy Brown.


Her bubbies they were love to see

To L. M.

My dear Lucy Mary my sweet Lucy Mary
How can you love truely by acting contrary
To say that you would and then would not walk out
You bring me my death when you leave me in doubt
O sweet Lucy Mary how can you do so
Such a fine day as this is and then never go
At first you said yes — but an hour is gone bye
And now you say no — which makes me to sigh.


The wind from the road blows the March dust about
And the bees on the hive slabs spread their wings and fly out
The sparrows chirp glad and the laying hens prate

The Walk with Love


I walk with thee and meet the spring
In most delicious weather
Birds whistle and the blossoms spring
We see and hear together
And one and the same time we see
The pale primroses bloom
The skylarks sing o'er grassy lea
And linnets in the broom
There's nothing upon earth can be
So sweet as walks with love and thee


I walk with thee, I with thee walk



The girl I love is flesh and blood
With face and form of fairest clay
Straight as the firdale in the wood
And lovely as a first spring day


The girl I love's a lovely girl
Bonny and young in every feature
Richer than flowers and strings o' pearl
A handsome and delightful creature


She's born to grace the realms above
Where we shall both be seen together


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