As is a Mother's Love

As is a mother's love,
Unchanging true and pure
And as the stars that light the night,
Unquenchable and sure —
As is a mother's love,
Tho' all the world despise,
For him who slept upon her breast,
She lives, and loves, and dies —
As is a mother's love,
In danger, pain, or woe,
A healing balm for ev'ry wound,
And shield from ev'ry foe —
As is a mother's love,
When lost her erring child,
To seek him out in stormy days,
And midnights dark and wild —
As is a mother's love,

Great Bealings Churchyard


I T is not only while we look upon
A lovely landscape, that its beauties please;
In distant days, when we afar are gone
From such, in fancy's idle reveries,
Or moods of mind which memory loves to seize,
It comes in living beauty, fresh as when
We first beheld it: valley, hill, or trees
O'ershadowing unseen brooks; or outstretch'd fen
With cattle sprinkled o'er, exist, and charm again.

Saviour, Breathe a Blessing

Father, let thy hand e'er lead us,
Be thou near us day by day,
With the bread of heaven feed us,
As on earth we wend our way
Gentle Jesus, how we love thee,
Meek and lowly as thou art,
None in heav'n or earth above thee!
Now to us thy love impart.
Holy Spirit, now descending,
Rest upon our hearts tonight;
Sacred Trio, never ending,
Turn our darkness into light.

Saviour, breathe a tender blessing,
Father, hear us in our plea,
Saviour, Saviour, Father, Father,
All our sins we are confessing,

Much Love

Beaucoup d'amour

In spite of Wisdom's voice,
I would have heaps of gold;
And quickly at my mistress' feet
My treasures should be told.
Oh! never, Adele, would I cease
To satisfy thy least caprice:
Nay, nay, mine is not avarice —
But much, much love.

To immortalize Adele,
Were I with song inspired,
My verse, that ever painted her,
Should ever be admired
Ah, would that our united name

Singing for Jesus

Singing for Jesus, our Saviour and King,
Singing for Jesus, the Lord whom we love;
All adoration we joyously bring,
Longing to praise as we'll praise him above.
Singing for Jesus,
Oh, singing for joy . . . . .
Thus will we praise . . . . him, and tell out his love . . . . .
Till he shall call us ... to brighter employ . . . .
Singing for Jesus forever, above.
Singing for Jesus, and trying to win
Many to love him, and join in the song;
Calling the weary and wandering in,
Rolling the chorus of gladness along

Love Triumphant

Love took me up, a naked, helpless child,
Love laid me sleeping on the tender breast,
Love gazed on me with saintly eyes and mild,
Love watched me as I lay in happy rest,
Love was my childhood's stay, my chiefest good,
My daily friend, my solace, and my food.

But when to Love's own stature I was come,
Treading the paths where fabled Loves abound,
Hard by the Cytherean's magic home,
Loveless I paced alone the enchanted ground
Some phantoms pale I marked, which fled away,
And lo, my youth was gone; my hair turned gray.

Love's Arrears

I WAS in love with life and then I died —
Because I lost the thing that I loved best.
In my embittered soul with arid zest
Sad disillusion, with fierce hate allied,
Battled with murdered love and wounded pride;
And harsh resentment, harbored in my breast,
Festered the wound in my dead soul, till Rest
Even the Rest of Death could not abide.
My holier self in grief unholy lost
Struggled to win my soul from sullen shame
And lift my eyes through sacrificial tears,
But though I proudly paid the crucial cost

The Phonic Years

The deed is speech. Great Love remembereth.
Only the voice that in the life is found.
The spoken word is but a broken breath
That moans in breaking into speech and sound;
The thought and feeling, — these are life and death,
And with the deed, complete life's fullest round.


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