A Figurative Description of the Procedure of Divine Love
In Bringing a Soul to the Point of Self-Renunciation and
Absolute Acquiescence
'T WAS my purpose, on a day,
To embark and sail away;
As I climb'd the vessel's side,
Love was sporting in the tide;
" Come, " he said — " ascend — make haste,
Launch into the boundless waste. "
Many mariners were there,
Having each his sep'rate care;
They that row'd us, held their eyes
Fixt upon the starry skies;
Others steer'd, or turn'd the sails
To receive the shifting gales.
Absolute Acquiescence
'T WAS my purpose, on a day,
To embark and sail away;
As I climb'd the vessel's side,
Love was sporting in the tide;
" Come, " he said — " ascend — make haste,
Launch into the boundless waste. "
Many mariners were there,
Having each his sep'rate care;
They that row'd us, held their eyes
Fixt upon the starry skies;
Others steer'd, or turn'd the sails
To receive the shifting gales.
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