A Walk in the Forest

I love the Forest and its airy bounds,
Where friendly CAMPBELL takes his daily rounds;
I love the break neck hills, that headlong go,
And leave me high, and half the world below;
I love to see the Beach Hill mounting high,
The brook without a bridge, and nearly dry.
There's Bucket's Hill, a place of furze and clouds,
Which evening in a golden blaze enshrouds:
I hear the cows go home with tinkling bell,
And see the woodman in the forest dwell,
Whose dog runs eager where the rabbit's gone;

The Death of Lesbia's Bird

Pity! mourn in plaintive tone
The lovely starling dead and gone!
Pity mourns in plaintive tone
The lovely starling dead and gone.
Weep, ye Loves! and Venus! weep
The lovely starling fallen asleep!
Venus sees with tearful eyes —
In her lap the starling lies!
While the Loves all in a ring
Softly stroke the stiffened wing.

The Blessings of the Love of Jesus

Jesus, I covet to love Thee,
And that is wholly my yearning:
Therefore to love Thee Thou teach me,
And I Thy love shall ever sing.

Jesus, Thy love into me send
And with Thy love Thou me feed.
Jesus, Thy love aye in me lend!
Thy Love ever be my soul's meed.

Jesus, my heart with love Thou light!
Thy love me make e'er to forsake
All worldly joy both day and night
Thee alone my joy to make.

Jesus, Thy love me chaufe within
So that no thing but Thee I seek;
In Thy love make my soul to brynne

The Sweetness of Jesus

Jesus, Thy sweetness who might it see
And thereof have a clear knowing,
All earthly love should bitter be
Save Thine alone without lesing,
I pray Thee, Lord, that lore teach me
After Thy love to have longing
And firmly set my heart on Thee
In Thy love to have most liking.

So sweet a love in earth none is:
Could but our souls Him soothly see
Him to love were mickel bliss;
For King of Love called is He.
With steadfast love I yearn for this,
That fast to Him I bound may be,

A Mourning Song of God's Love

My Leman is so true
Of love, and full steadfast,
Yet seemeth ever new.
His love is on us cast.
I would that all Him knew
And loved Him firm and fast:
They never would it rue
But happy be at last.

My Leman is so meek,
So courteous, sweet and still;
Full gentle in His speech,
His words are never grille;
But good He wills to each,
Forget He would all ill:
If I flee He will me seek,
With love He will me till.

Outside although He stands
Calling at my gate,

But Love

Flowing in the sunlight here,
The river shines like a glass,
Even as it did last year;
On the hillside the grass
Bows, as the breezes pass —
But my love is gone, my love is gone.

Where is she — where, and how?
Has she forgotten me yet?
Ah, she has forgotten me now!
She is too lovely for regret:
Would that I ever could forget,
My love is gone, my love is gone!

It is so still — so still ...
The sound of a rumbling train
Rushes into the hill.
Autumn comes again

The Poet Tells of His Love

How shall I sing of Her that is
My life's long rapture and despair —
Sorrow eternal — Loveliness,
To whom each heart-beat is a prayer!

Utterly, endlessly, alone
Possessing me, yet unpossessed —
The dark, the drear beloved One
That takes the tribute of this breast:

Daemon disconsolate, in vain,
In vain petitioned and implored —
How many a midnight of disdain
Darkly and dreadfully adored!

Beauty, the virgin, evermore
Out of these arms with laughter fled —

The Flesh and the Dream

The baffled dreamer, the defeated Christ
That for your love upon the cross-tree hung —
O take Him to your bosom, give Him rest
Close at the wanton wonder of your breast,
O carnal World, forever well and young!

To the Little Elevators in Poetry Who Love to Surprise

As when in blustring, thund'ring, wintry days,
The bully Boreas on his bagpipe plays;
When old Aquarius ducks this earthly ball,
And empties on our heads his urinal;
When rumbling clouds on grumbling clouds do dash,
And 'midst the flashing lightnings lightnings flash;
Hogs, dogs, and men, perceive the troubled sky,
Hogs, dogs, and men, away for shelter fly;
While all around, the black, dark, gloomy scene
Looks grey, looks white, looks red, looks blue, looks green;
So green, so blue, so red, so grey, so white,


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