Siege, The: Or, Love's Convert, A Tragi-Comedy - Act 2. Scene 6
Eudemus, Leucasia, Euthalpe.
Eud. Ne'r murmur Girl, 't's a Service to thy Country.
Leu. There was this only wanting to my evils,
That you too should approve; that, that good name
(Father) should yet inserted be in this
My vile disgrace. Call 't you a service to
My Country, to turn Whore? What Brand will 't be
Unto your Liberty, when 't shall be said
'Twas purchas'd by a Strumpet?
Eud. 'Tis not thou
Eudemus, Leucasia, Euthalpe.
Eud. Ne'r murmur Girl, 't's a Service to thy Country.
Leu. There was this only wanting to my evils,
That you too should approve; that, that good name
(Father) should yet inserted be in this
My vile disgrace. Call 't you a service to
My Country, to turn Whore? What Brand will 't be
Unto your Liberty, when 't shall be said
'Twas purchas'd by a Strumpet?
Eud. 'Tis not thou