a wise crank is a wise crack

spirits are a wise crank
spirits are a wise crack of a crank
a wise crack is a wise crank
a wise crack is a wise soul
a crack soul,a crack spirit,a wise crack
a crack spirit is a crack soul
a spirit is a spirit of a crack soul

a shadow is a shadow of a shadowy
a shadow is a shadowy of a wise crack
a shadowy is a shadowy of science
a shadow science is a shadowy of a shadowy
science is a shadow of a wise crack
science is a wise crank
a wise crack is a wise science

all high n mighty

a number is all high n mighty
a wise number is a wise mighty number
outclass is being outclass by a wise number
all high n mighty is all high n classy
all high n mighty is all high n outclass
a number is a classy number
a class is a classy number

a class is a wise number
a winner is a wise winner
a winner is a classy winner
a winner is a winning number
a winner is outclass by a winning number
a winning number is outclass by a winning number
all high n mighty is all high n wise

history in the making

a wise history is a wise,
decision in the making
a wise decision is a wise,
point of decision
in the making is in the making,
of a wise sense
history is a sense of history

a galaxy is a decision in the making
a galaxy is history in the making
a wise sense is a wise sense of history
a galaxy is a wise sense of history
history is a fact of history
history is a wise fact
a wise fact is a wise sense

a old tale

mankind is a old tale
mankind is a old tale of respect
mankind is a wise old tale
mankind is a wise old respect
respect is a wise old respect
respect is a wise old tale of respect
honor of mankind is kindness of mankind

respect is a kindness respect
respect is a kindness old tale of respect
in honor of respect is in honor of mankind
a old tale is a wise old tale
a old tale is a wise old tale of respect
kindness is mankind kindness
kindness is mankind wise old tale

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