The Slasher Prince

Upon the bridge where swords met steel and fate,
In Finea’s mist, where river waters weep,
There stood a man, a prince in name and soul,
Myles O’Reilly, Slasher of the foe.

Descended from the kings of old Breifne,
A chieftain’s blood ran strong within his veins,
With Ireland’s pride aflame within his heart,
He dared to stand, though England pressed him low.

They called him but a man, yet giants fell,
The Scottish beast cut down with but one stroke.
His blade, a flash of vengeance in the dusk,
An iron whisper sung in rebel hands.


This is a poem inspired by an Irish cousin of mine who was a bit of a "wild child" in her youth. 

by Michael R. Burch

All that’s left of Ireland is her hair—
bright carrot—and her milkmaid-pallid skin,
her brilliant air of cavalier despair,
her train of children—some conceived in sin,
the others to avoid it. For nowhere
is evidence of thought. Devout, pale, thin,
gay, nonchalant, all radiance. So fair!

The Celtic Cross at Isle Grosse

The Celtic Cross at Île Grosse
by Michael R. Burch

“I actually visited the island and walked across those mass graves [of 30,000 Irish men, women and children], and I played a little tune on me whistle. I found it very peaceful, and there was relief there.” – Paddy Maloney of The Chieftains

There was relief there,
and release,
on Île Grosse
in the spreading gorse
and the cry of the wild geese . . .

On leaving Ireland 1969

by MaryPP

Time is going quickly..
soon we'll have to part
from families, friends and neighbours
the thought near breaks my heart.

Landing on a foreign soil
English soil at that!
I wonder will it be like home
with a welcome on the mat?

People say, "It will be a change
you'll like it, wait and see,
London is terrific,
that's the place to be.

It will be a change indeed
to live near London town
Fashion! Frenzy! Fighting!
Travel underground!

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