Spring Dawn
Spring Dawn
Meng Haoran (689/691–740)
Asleep in spring, unconscious of the dawn,
The chirp chirp song of birds is everywhere.
Last night the thunder, wind, and rain came long—
How many blossoms now remain out there?
Chinese 春曉 孟 浩 然 春眠不覺曉 處處聞啼鳥 夜來風雨聲 花落知多少 | Pronunciation Chūn Xiǎo Mèng Hàorán |
Anchored at Jiande River
Meng Haoran
This anchored boat’s astir in fog and breeze,
As sunset rends my fears up once again,
But as the sky descends beneath the trees,
The river, moon, and quiet become my friends.