89 Gods Fullnese, Common Bounty, and Specyall Love, the Souls Chouse, July 5 73 -
Gods fullnese common bounty, and specyall love, the souls chouse, July 5 73
When we our minds, and thoughts, doe set
Upon thy fullnese infinet.
We ar soon driven to a stand
At that, we cannot comprehand.
Though, from thee all our mercys flow
Thou'st ne're the lese, for to bestow.
When we thy providence doe eye
And see thy liberallity.
We run our selfs, into a maize
att all thy providencyall waies.
Thou spreadst a table, out for all
Both young, & old, both great, and small.
When we our minds, and thoughts, doe set
Upon thy fullnese infinet.
We ar soon driven to a stand
At that, we cannot comprehand.
Though, from thee all our mercys flow
Thou'st ne're the lese, for to bestow.
When we thy providence doe eye
And see thy liberallity.
We run our selfs, into a maize
att all thy providencyall waies.
Thou spreadst a table, out for all
Both young, & old, both great, and small.