Siege, The: Or, Love's Convert, A Tragi-Comedy - Act 2. Scene 1
Cal. Pox o'these easie Coxcombs! If he had
Ask'd Wives and Children too he might have had 'em.
Could not their wise simplicities stand out,
And let us conquer 'em?
Phi. I feel mine Arms
Grow stiff again: I shall employ my strength
Only in carrying up of Pasties now.
Pru. (Is she not wondrous fair? not wondrous handsome?)
Cal. We shall do nothing but drink Healths in Helmets
Cal. Pox o'these easie Coxcombs! If he had
Ask'd Wives and Children too he might have had 'em.
Could not their wise simplicities stand out,
And let us conquer 'em?
Phi. I feel mine Arms
Grow stiff again: I shall employ my strength
Only in carrying up of Pasties now.
Pru. (Is she not wondrous fair? not wondrous handsome?)
Cal. We shall do nothing but drink Healths in Helmets