Siege, The: Or, Love's Convert, A Tragi-Comedy - Act 3. Scene 2
To them Eudemus .
Eud . Not far off from thee most unhumane Tyrant.
Mis . I am a Tyrant now indeed; this stroke
Hath made that Name peculiarly mine.
Eud . Was't this she pleas'd thee for? she did deserve it
In comming to thee. 'Tis a due that's paid her
For that offence. But if I'd thought thou hadst
Only requir'd her Bloud 't should have been spilt
To them Eudemus .
Eud . Not far off from thee most unhumane Tyrant.
Mis . I am a Tyrant now indeed; this stroke
Hath made that Name peculiarly mine.
Eud . Was't this she pleas'd thee for? she did deserve it
In comming to thee. 'Tis a due that's paid her
For that offence. But if I'd thought thou hadst
Only requir'd her Bloud 't should have been spilt