Siege, The: Or, Love's Convert, A Tragi-Comedy - Act 1. Scene 5
Mis. Hear you no News yet Captains from the City?
Phil. They slight your Majesty by their delaies,
Thinking to weary your desire by lingring,
Mis. I dealt too mildly with 'em, in that I
Did offer to request without the Sword:
They shall know what 'tis to delude him that
Ne'r threatned twice; whose anger then is base
When it admits that respite, as to give
A second warning.
Mis. Hear you no News yet Captains from the City?
Phil. They slight your Majesty by their delaies,
Thinking to weary your desire by lingring,
Mis. I dealt too mildly with 'em, in that I
Did offer to request without the Sword:
They shall know what 'tis to delude him that
Ne'r threatned twice; whose anger then is base
When it admits that respite, as to give
A second warning.