Odes of Anacreon - Ode 75


Spirit of Love, whose locks unrolled,
Stream on the breeze like floating gold;
Come, within a fragrant cloud
Blushing with light, thy votary shroud;
And, on those wings that sparkling play,
Waft, oh, waft me hence away!
Love! my soul is full of thee,
Alive to all thy luxury.
But she, the nymph for whom I glow,
The lovely Lesbian mocks my woe;
Smiles at the chill and hoary hues,
That time upon my forehead strews.
Alas! I fear she keeps her charms,

Odes of Anacreon - Ode 74


Monarch Love, resistless boy,
With whom the rosy Queen of Joy,
And nymphs, whose eyes have Heaven's hue,
Disporting tread the mountain-dew;
Propitious, oh! receive my sighs,
Which, glowing with entreaty, rise
That thou wilt whisper to the breast
Of her I love thy soft behest:
And counsel her to learn from thee,
That lesson thou hast taught to me.
Ah! if my heart no flattery tell,
Thou 'lt own I 've learned that lesson well!

Odes of Anacreon - Ode 39


How I love the festive boy,
Tripping through the dance of joy!
How I love the mellow sage,
Smiling through the veil of age!
And whene'er this man of years
In the dance of joy appears,
Snows may o'er his head be flung,
But his heart — his heart is young.

Odes of Anacreon - Ode 27


W E read the flying courser's name
Upon his side, in marks of flame;
And, by their turbaned brows alone,
The warriors of the East are known.
But in the lover's glowing eyes,
The inlet to his bosom lies;
Through them we see the small faint mark,
Where Love has dropt his burning spark!

Redeeming Love - Verses 31ÔÇô39


His kindest words their doubts remove,
Confirm their wavering faith;
He bids them teach the world his love,
Salvation by his death.


Triumphant he ascends on high,
The glorious work compleat;
Sin, death, and hell, low vanquish'd lie
Beneath his awful feet.


There with eternal glory crown'd,
The Lord, the conqueror reigns;

Redeeming Love - Verses 21ÔÇô30


Patient, the cruel scourge he bore:
The innocent, the kind!
Then to the rabble's lawless power
And rudest taunts consign'd.


With thorns they crown that awful brow,
Whose srown can shake the globe;
And on their king in scorn bestow
The reed and purple robe.


Ah! see the fatal cross appears,
Heart-wounding, dreadful scene!

Redeeming Love - Verses 11ÔÇô20


What blessings on a thankless race,
His bounteous hand bestow'd?
And from his tongue what wonderous grace,
What rich instruction flow'd?


The dumb, the deaf, the lame, the blind
Consess'd his healing power;
Disease and death their prey resign'd,
And grief complain'd no more.


Infernal legions trembling fled,
Aw'd by his powerful word:

Redeeming Love - Verses 1ÔÇô10


Come heavenly love, inspire my song
With thy immortal flame,
And teach my heart, and teach my tongue
The Saviour's lovely name.


The Saviour! O what endless charms
Dwell in the blissful sound!
Its influence every fear disarms,
And spreads sweet comfort round.


Here pardon, life, and joys divine
In rich effusion flow,
For guilty rebels lost in sin,

Stern Aphrodite -


" I OLE is coy with me,
Goddess! and a month I suffer
Knowing not how far I be:
Teach me softer arts, or rougher,
Well to sail that sea. "

" Fie: bow long could Love divine
Venturing, abstain from answer,
Nor look landward for a sign!
Niggard, take of thine entrancer
Shipwreck in the brine. "

Brotherly Love — The Spirit of the Craft -

Brotherly love — The S PIRIT OF THE C RAFT .

To suffer long, and yet be kind and true;
To bear the slight and yet retain the love;
To hope, whate'er betide, and still to hope
Through all the gloomy days that life may yield, —
This is the love of Masons , — B ROTHERLY LOVE ;
This binds the old fraternity with brass
And iron fetters; — while such Love endures,
The rage of foes assaults our fort in vain;
The bigot's hate recoils; palsied the arm
Which strikes a Brotherhood knit by such ties.


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