Stern Aphrodite -


" I OLE is coy with me,
Goddess! and a month I suffer
Knowing not how far I be:
Teach me softer arts, or rougher,
Well to sail that sea. "

" Fie: bow long could Love divine
Venturing, abstain from answer,
Nor look landward for a sign!
Niggard, take of thine entrancer
Shipwreck in the brine. "

Brotherly Love — The Spirit of the Craft -

Brotherly love — The S PIRIT OF THE C RAFT .

To suffer long, and yet be kind and true;
To bear the slight and yet retain the love;
To hope, whate'er betide, and still to hope
Through all the gloomy days that life may yield, —
This is the love of Masons , — B ROTHERLY LOVE ;
This binds the old fraternity with brass
And iron fetters; — while such Love endures,
The rage of foes assaults our fort in vain;
The bigot's hate recoils; palsied the arm
Which strikes a Brotherhood knit by such ties.

Lazarus - Stanzas 25ÔÇô32

Ah, madman that I am! Thou canst not save me!
For I know all , Christ! Thou hast not the power
To stay the simple wilting of a flower,
Or give unto the utter doomed an hour!
Death, death alone is great, and he can brave me!

Ah why, my Savior, didst thou strangely take me
From dire annihilation's utter rest,
Urged by my sister's sorrowing request?
Why, when the napkin on my brow was pressed,

Gondibert and Birtha - Act 4, Scene 1

ACT IV. Scene I.


H AIL Marriage! Fountain of unsullied Bliss,
Descending from above, to quench the Thirst
Of Holy Love, and bathe the Soul in Sweetness.
Hail Hymeneal Rose, without a Thorn!
How have thy Leaves distill'd into my Heart
Their balmy Dews, as pleasant as the Drops
Which softly fall upon our Fields and Hills.
But see the beauteous Partner of my Life,
My Birtha moves this Way. Her modest Cheeks

Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 48


Thou hast o'ercome: Lord, who can prove
Invincible to heav'nly love?
My conquer'd soul I must resign
To that victorious arm of thine.

Thy grace, whose wond'rous pow'r imparts
The tend'rest sense to flinty hearts,
My inmost soul with love inspires,
And mixes joy with pure desires.

For who, my Lord, can love like thee?
Whose love was e'er so great, so free?
Angels may well admire the flame:
But they have never felt the same:

Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 28


O Lord, thou dost a broken heart
And contrite mind approve,
Wilt humble penitents receive
With pity, joy, and love.

Teach us o'er all our sins to weep,
And in thy grace rejoice;
To mix confessions of our guilt
With a thanksgiving voice.

O let thy spirit's convincing power
Dispose us to repent;
That holy oil will soften rocks,

Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 25


Lord, all the works thy hand has form'd
In earth and heaven above,
And all thy tracks of providence
Shew thee a God of love .

But thy surprizing acts of grace,
To Adam 's guilty seed,
Loudly proclaim to all the world,
That God is love indeed.

To object who deserve thy wrath
Thy boundless love extends;
Thou'rt kinder to thy enemies

Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 22


M Y blessed Saviour, is thy love
So great, so full, so free?
Behold I give my love, my heart,
My life, my all, to thee.

I love thee for the glorious worth
In thy great self I see:
I love thee for that shameful cross
Thou hast endur'd for me.

No man of greater love can boast
Than for his friend to die:
But for thy enemies thou wast slain:

Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 18


O Lord , how shall we frame a song
To celebrate thy fame!
Our highest flights are all too low
To reach thy loftier name.

Yet should the objects of thy love
Thy praises cease to shout,
To censure such ingratitude,
The stones would soon cry out.

What was there, Lord , in sinful man
That could thy pity move,
To draw him from the gates of hell

Love and Friendship -

Oh ! speech is poor to paint a difference
I feel so vast! Trust, honour, tenderness —
The all that friendship asks — compose not love!
Friendship still keeps distinction. Friends are twain,
But lovers one!
Friends are two kings in dear confederance join'd,
That still rule separate empires; but in love
Both realms united, take one name, one tongue,
One law, one faith, one consequence, one crown!
Friends are two banks a kindly stream divides;
Lovers — twin clouds into each other blent


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