Song Against Delays in Love, A; to Celia


Kind Opportunity's a Friend
To Lovers, tho' Time is a Foe;
The first, is like a Mistress, kind,
If that you do not let her go;
But Time, that Thief, away will take again,
What t'other for thee, did in haste, obtain:


Then trust not Faithless Time, (my Dear,)
With Beauty, Love, or Happiness;
Since Time is a Discoverer,
He never to be trusted is;
Time, (whilst you have it then,) be sure improve,

Song, A. Proving Love More Pleasure, as More Pain


Love 's so pleasant a Pain,
Such a tickling dear Smart,
That it makes me complain,
When it eases my Heart:
To be more my Joy, wou'd it were more my Grief,
To make it, as more my Pain, more my Relief:


For, its Troubles, or Cares,
But its Pleasures increase;
So that but for our Fears,
Our Joys in it were less;
Then more may my Troubles, Pains, Fears be, that so,

Two Love Stories


The wan moon silvers with pale, sullen sheen
A rose-wreathed arbor near the sleepy Rhine,
Which, like a wounded snake of Damascene,
Trails its dull length through leagues of hops and vine.

A woman with cold, loveless eyes stands there,
Spurning, as would the shadows of the shores,
A gentle boy, with blonde and wind-loved hair,
Who at her haughty feet his soul outpours.

She turns her head a cold smile to conceal,

To Mrs. Love — on receiving her picture


When I met thee, gentle lady, in the days of long ago,
This world of ours was fairer than it seemeth now, I trow.
The meadow grass was greener, the sky a deeper blue,
The stars in the heaven were brighter — brighter every drop of dew;
The shining rills and rivers sung a softer melodie,
As they went, arrayed in diamonds, to their bridal with the sea.
The birds made sweeter singing midst the summer-scented leaves,
Richer gold and crimson curtains hung around the dying eves,

A Song Sent to a Lady, Who Gave the Subject For it, by Complaining of the Hard Fate of Women


How hard is the poor Woman's Fate,
Whether she soon, or late is won,
No Thanks deserves, if 'tis too late,
Nor Love, if that she yields too soon.


By Man, forc'd to Hypocrisie,
Yet for it, by him, most condemn'd,
Hated, if Love she does deny,
And yet, for granting it, contemn'd,


By him, with whom she soon complies,
Is thought, a coming Easie Whore,

To Victor Hugo


Hail unto thee grand literary giant!
Great voice that rings among us like a thunder:
Impeccable, unique, without a blunder,
To all in Nature comprehensive, pliant!

In thy rare art, immense and self-reliant,
Thy pure verse rends old crumbling creeds asunder,
Genius supreme, strange and immortal wonder,
We love thy omniscient heart, thy soul defiant!

To a False Fickle Mistress, Accusing Me of Her Own Fault


Variety I love, 'tis true,
But for Your Dear-dear-Sake alone;
Variety I find in You,
Who have all Woman's Charms in one.


Your Humour varies like Your Look;
Which You so dayly change to me,
That, if with Change I were not took,
I cou'd not constant to You be.


Blame me not, for Inconstancy,
Which more my Faith does to thee prove,
Did I not love Variety;

A Song, Against Reason in Love


Since Love's a Passion, Sense in Love,
Were senseless, dull Impertinence,
For Love, no more than Faith, we prove
By pedant Reason, babling Sense;
Faith in Love, as Religion too,
By Good-Works, not Good-Sense, we show.


In busie Life's most base Concerns,
Of Honour, Pow'r, or Interest,
That Reason something more discerns,
Than Blind Faith can, it is confest;
But in the great Affair of Love,

Double Disappointment, The; or, Love Retarded, By Meeting too Soon. A Song to Celia


My pregnant Passion, fierce Desire,
Abortive made my Love;
By having too much of Love's Fire,
I did the Colder prove;
So too much Vigour did prevent
My Love, of its Accomplishment.


As, in Beginning of our Love,
My Tongue was useless made,
But less did my Dame's Pity move,
The more my Love 'twould aid;
The Haste, and Fierceness of my Love,
Its Lett did, and Prevention prove.


Our Flames were quench'd, by their Excess;
Our Joys less, for their Store;

Upon a Fine Woman's Fine Breasts

Let each vain giddy-brain'd Poetic Fop
Talk of Parnassus , or its double Top,
And by his Fanciful Describing it,
Think to procure the vain Name of a Wit:
Whilst, Chloris! Thou, my Muse and Theme shalt be;
Thy Breasts, those Twins of Hills, shall be to me
Parnassus , since he, who is Head on them
Can lay, can ne'r want Wit on such a Theme,
Or Pleasant, Amorous, Poetic Dream:
Then once my Head upon them let me lay,
They higher Thoughts into it will convey;
They'll fire with Love, at once, my Breast and Brain,


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