The Teacher

Lord, who am I to teach the way
To little children day by day,
So prone myself to go astray?

I teach them KNOWLEDGE, but I know
How faint they flicker and how low
The candles of my knowledge glow.

I teach them POWER to will and do,
But only now to learn anew
My own great weakness through and through.

I teach them LOVE for all mankind
And all God's creatures, but I find
My love comes lagging far behind.

Lord, if their guide I still must be,
Oh, let the little children see

To Keep My Love Alive


I've been married and married,
And often I've sighed,
I'm never a bridesmaid,
I'm always the bride.
I never divorced them —
I hadn't the heart.
Yet remember these sweet words
" Till death do us part. "


I married many men,
A ton of them,
And yet I was untrue to none of them
Because I bumped off ev'ry one of them
To keep my love alive.
Sir Paul was frail;
He looked a wreck to me.
At night he was a horse's neck to me.

Beloved, in the noisy city here

Beloved , in the noisy city here,
The thought of thee can make all turmoil cease;
Around my spirit, folds thy spirit clear
Its still, soft arms, and circles it with peace;
There is no room for any doubt or fear
In souls so overfilled with love's increase,
There is no memory of the bygone year
But growth in heart's and spirit's perfect ease:
How hath our love, half nebulous at first,
Rounded itself into a full-orbed sun!
How have our lives and wills (as haply erst
They were, ere this forgetfulness begun)

Hooray for Love


Here's to my best romance,
Here's to my worst romance,
Here's to my first romance
Ages ago.
Here's to the girls I've kissed,
And to complete the list,
Here's to the girls who said " No! "


Love! love! Hooray for love!
Who is ever too blase for love?
Make this a night for love.
If we have to fight let's fight for love.
Some sigh and cry for love.
Ah, but in Paree they die for love.
Some waste away for love.

Easy Living

Living for you is easy living,
It's easy to live when you're in love,
And I'm so in love there's nothing in life but you.
I never regret the years I'm giving,
They're easy to give when you're in love.
I'm happy to do whatever I do for you,
For you.
Maybe I'm a fool, but it's fun.
People say you rule me with one
Wave of your hand,
Darling, it's grand,
They just don't understand.
Living for you is easy living,
It's easy to live when you're in love,
And I'm so in love there's nothing in life but you.

The Dark Brother

" Lo, I am black but I am comely too, "
Black as the night, black as the deep dark caves.
I am the scion of a race of slaves
Who helped to build a nation strong that you
And I may stand within the world's full view,
Fearless and firm as dreadnoughts on rough waves;
Holding a banner high whose floating braves
The opposition of the tried untrue.

Casting an eye of love upon my face,
Seeing a newer light within my eyes,
A rarer beauty in your brother race
Will merge upon your visioning fullwise.

Maybe This Is Love


Many girls I've met,
A few were sightly.
I thought them all wet
And bowed politely.
Something's changing me,
Rearranging me.
All I do is dream about you nightly.


I'm on air,
My head's reeling,
And right there
A strange feeling
From nowhere
Has come stealing,
Maybe, maybe this is love!
My time's through
To think coolly,
My heart, too,
Is unruly.
It's all new
To yours truly,

Platonic Love

Platonick Love


So Angels Love and all the rest is dross,
Contracted, selfish, sensitive and gross.
Unlike to this, all free and unconfin'd,
Is that bright flame I bear thy brighter mind.


No stragling wish, or symptom of desire,
Comes near the Limits of this holy fire;
Yet 'tis intense and active, tho so fine;
For all my pure immortal part is thine.


Why should I then the Heav'nly spark controul,


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