A Bachelor's Wife

A, a, a, a,
Yet I love wherso I go.

In all this warld nis a merier life
Than is a yong man withouten a wife,
For he may liven withouten strife
In every place wherso he go.

In every place he is loved over all
Among maidens gret and small,
In daunsing, in pipinge, and renning at the ball,
In every place wherso he go.

They lat light be husbondmen
Whan they at the ball rene;
They cast hir love to yong men
In every place wherso they go.

Than sey maides, " Farwell, Jacke,

The Fall of 1992

Gainesville, Florida

An empire of moss,
dead yellow, and carapace:
that was the season
of gnats, amyl nitrate, and goddamn
rain; of the gator in the fake lake rolling

his silverish eyes;
of vice; of Erotica,
give it up and let
me have my way. And the gin-soaked dread
that an acronym was festering inside.

Love was a doorknob
statement, a breakneck goodbye —
and the walk of shame

New Spring - Part 11

I must up and do, the bells are ringing;
And oh! I have lost my senses quite!
The spring and a pair of lovely eyes
Have leagued them against my heart for spite.

The spring and a pair of lovely eyes
Tempt me to folly, and folly's ruing!
I think that the roses and nightingales
Are deep in the plot for my undoing.

New Spring - Part 10

So sweet with spring the night and warm,
That flowers are peeping through;
My heart must guard it well from harm,
Or it will love anew.

But which of all the flowers dear
Is like to be the snarer?
The nightingales are singing clear,
" The lily; so beware her! "

New Spring - Part 6

In my heart there's music low,
Lovely bells are chiming;
Little song, swell out and go
Springward with your rhyming.

To the bowers that house the flowers
Hasten for the meeting.
If you chance upon a rose,
Say, I send her greeting.

New Spring - Part 3

The lovely eyes of the spring-sweet night
Look down and heal my pain:
" Has Love abased thee with his might,
O Love will raise again. "

And Philomela on the lime
Now sweetly sings her sadness;
The music's goal is in my soul,
That hears, and swells for gladness.

New Spring - Part 2

Like a maiden shy for gladness,
Leaves unfold them in the wood;
" Gentle Spring, I give thee greeting! "
Laughs the sun in merry mood.

'Tis, O nightingale! thy music
'Plaining blissful in the grove;
Long and sweet thy notes are sobbing,
And thy song is utter love!

Catherine - Part 8

I love a tender soul thus housed
Within a body white and fair:
Great fearless eyes, and forehead wreathed
With heavy clouds of shadowy hair!

You are so right in every way;
What I have sought in every land!
Besides, your worth enables you
So well my worth to understand!

You've found in me the man you need,
And, for a time, will fully pay
With love's delight, and kisses fond—
And then, as usual, betray.

Sunlight -


Thirteen long years have passed away
 Since through those autumn woods we went:
It was a bright September day,
 And I was full of sweet content;
So happy by her side to be—
In heaven, if she but looked at me.

The leaves were turning golden-red;
 The swift stream splashed along the dale;
In the far distance, blue, outspread,
 Boundless, with here and there a sail,
The sunlit sea gleamed, saying, “To-night
Reseek my green cliff's moonlit height.”


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