38 Love -


If thou, thy goods givst to the poor
and wantst this grace of love
Thou'lt never get within the door
where dwells, the god above.

True love is boundlese in desires
untill it terminate
Upon the object, itt admires
breaking through ev'ry lett.

True love is conjugall, and chast
Its lasting, firm, & sure
Unto its object, it doth hast
none from itt, can alure.

It takes no rest, but seekes about
and will not be content

27 An Experience Concerning Afliction October 26 71 -

An experience Concerning afliction october 26 71

This day I met, with triels sharp
Which made my soull to bleed
(but god did come, and chear my hart)
Of it their was great need.

That sin might be mortified
And grace be made alive
That I doe cretures might be dead
And in thy love; might dive.

Aflictions give, what thou seest good
So love may mix my cup
Thou wilt theirby my sins up root
And shortly take me up.

Thou hast made me, this day to see
My foolish Childishnese

12 Of Faith, and Love -

Of faith, and Love.

faith, and love, are a comly pair
These two goe both togather
Nothing will part, thesse graces rare
Till death thesse two, doe sever

Then love, like Ruth, shall to us cleave
And, to heaven with us soare
When faith shall of us, take her leave
'Cause, we need her no more

Is he not said, in god to dwell
That hath made love his nest
Oh hapy, blessed, citadell
Oh sweet, & pleasing, rest

9 Longings after a Scene of Christs Love -

Longings after a sence of Christs love.

Dear Lord, away fain would I fly
One smile from thee I crave
That in thy bosome I might lye
This is the thing I'de have

The sun doth shine, as well on dung
As on the chousest flower
Then shine upon my soull bright sun
By thine almighty power

Ten worlds to me, cant comfort give
When thou dost hide thy face
A smile from thee, would make me live
And sweetly run my race

In this worlds sweets, I tast no savour
My soull, drives slowly on

8 Desires to Love Christ -

Desires to Love Christ

Though I can nothing for thee doe
Yet grant me my desire
Let Love be strong, & still break through
To'th object I admire,

Dread Soveraign, of all the earth
What thing is this I crave
My Love is but poluted breath
Which thou mayst scorn to have

A circumsised hart to love thee
It is thy promise, Lord.
Oh let it be, made good to mee
Acording to thy word

Oh might I burn in love, to thee
Though in the hart of hell
T'would be a glorious heaven to me

3 The Love of Christ -

The Love of Christ

Oh what unparaleld love was this
Christ left his fathers throne
And all the glory, that was his
What streames of love here ran

Now mortalls stand, & maze
Whilst angells pry, and Gaze
When sin for Justise cry'd aloud
Christ came on wings of love

He came with garments dipt in bloud
Love made him swiftly move,
Behold what Love is this I see
For Christ to come and dye for me

On fiery, flames of love he rode
This love made no delay

Uma's Penance and Love


For she loved and lost, — sweet Uma
Did herself no longer prize, —
What is woman's winning beauty
If it please not lover's eyes?
She would move by lofty penance
If her graces failed to move, —
Win by worth and not by beauty
Life's fruition, — heart's true love!
Vainly strove the doting mother
To restrain the wayward child,
Held her in her loving bosom,

Caelia - Part 10

To get a Love and Beauty so divine,
(In these so wary times) the fact must be
Of greater fortunes to the world than mine;
Those are the steps to that felicity;
For love no other gate hath than the eyes,
And inward worth is now esteem'd as none;
Mere outsides only to that blessing rise,
Which Truth and Love did once account their own;
Yet as she wants her fairer, she may miss
The common cause of love, and be as free
From earth, as her composure heavenly is;
If not, I restless rest in misery,

Solomon, A Serenata in Three Parts - Part 3



A RISE , my fair! the doors unfold,
Receive me shivering with the cold.


S HE. My heart amidst my slumbers wakes
And tells me my beloved speaks.


H E. Arise, my fair! the doors unfold,
Receive me shivering with the cold;
The chill drops hang upon my head,


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