Thyrd parte, The. The First 7 of Severall Complaynts of Misfortune in Love Onlye. Sonet 1 -

Sonet 1.

Now now I loue indeed and suffer more
In one day now then I did in a yeare
Great flames they be which but small sparkles were
And wounded now I was but prickt before.

No mervayle then though more then heertofore
I weepe and sigh; how can great wounds be there
Where moysture runs not oute and euer where
The fire is great of smoke there must be store.

My heart was hetherto but like green wood
Which must be dry'd before it will burne bright

Of His Mistrisse upon Occasion of a Friend of His which Disswaded Him from Loving. Sonet 5 -

Sonet 5.

A friend of myne moaning my helplesse loue
Hoping by killing hope my loue to slay
Let not (quoth he) thy hope thy heart betray
Impossible it is her heart to move.

But sith resolued loue cannot remove
As longe as thy devine perfections stay
Thy godhead then he sought to take away
Deare seeke revenge and him a lyer proue.

Gods only doe impossibilityes
Impossible sayth he thy grace to gayne
Shew then the power of thy devinityes

Thyrd 7 of Severall Occasions and Accidents Happening in the Life Tyme of His Love, The. Of His Mistrisse upon Occasion of Her Walking in a Garden. Sonet 1 -

Sonet 1.

My Ladies presence makes the roses red
Because to see her lips they blush for shame
The lilies leaues for envy pale became
And her white hands in them this envy bred

The marygold abroad the leaues did spread
Because the suns and her power is the same
The violet of purple coloure came
Dy'd with the bloud she made my heart to shed.

In briefe all flowers from her theyre vertue take
From her sweet breath theyre sweet smells doe proceed

Excuse to His Mistrisse for Resolving to Love so Worthye a Creature, An. Sonet 7 -

Sonet 7.

Blame not my hearte for flying vp so high
Sith thow art cause that it this flight begun
For earthlye vapoures drawne vp by the sun
Comets become and night-suns in the skie.

My humble hearte so with thy heauenly eye
Drawen vp alofte all low desires doth shun
Rayse thow me vp as thow my heart hast done
So during night in heauen remayne may I.

Blame not I say againe my high desire
Sith of vs both the cause thereof depends
In thee doth shine in me doth burne a fire

How He Encouraged Himself to Proceede in Love and to Hope for Favoure in the Ende at Loves Hands. Sonet 6 -

Sonet 6.

It may be Loue doth not my death pretend
Although he shutes at me but thinkes it fitte
Thus to bewitch thee for my benefitte
Causing thy will to my wish condescend.

For witches which some murder doe intend
Doe make a picture and doe shute at it
And in that place where they the picture hitt
The partyes selfe doth languish to his end
So Loue to weake by force thy hearte to taynt
Within my hearte thy heauenly shape doth paynte.

Of the Discouragement He Had to Proceed in Love through the Multitude of His Ladies Perfections and His Owne Lownesse. Sonet 5 -

Sonet 5.

When youre perfections to my thoughts appeare
They say amonge themselues O happie wee
Which ever shall so rare an obiect see
But happie hearte if thoughts lesse happie were.

For theyre delights haue cost my heart full deare
In whome of loue a thowsand causes be
And each cause breeds a thowsand loues in me
And each loue more then thowsand hearts can beare.

How can my hearte so many loues then hold
Which yet by heapes encrease from day to day

Of the Conspiracie of his Ladies Eyes and His Owne to Ingender Love. Sonet 3 -

Sonet 3.

Thyne eye the glasse where I behold my hearte
Myne eye the windowe through the which thyne eye
May see my hearte and there thy selfe espie
In bloudie coloures how thow paynted art

Thyne eye the pyle is of a murdering darte
Myne eye the sight thow takst thy levell by
To hitt my hearte and neuer shut'st awrye
Myne eye thus helpes thyne eye to worke my smarte

Thyne eye a fire is both in heate and light
Myne eye of teares a river doth become

Of the Byrth of His Love. Sonet 2 -

Sonet 2.

Fly low (deare Loue) thy sun dost thow not see?
Take heed doe not so neare his rayes aspire
Least for thy pride inflam'd with kindled ire
It burne thy wings as it hath burned me.

Thow happely sayst thy wings immortall bee
And so cannot consumed be with fire
The one is hope the other is desire
And that the heauens bestow'd them both on thee.

A Muses words caus'd thee with hope to flye
An Angells face desire hath begotte
Thy selfe engendred of a goddesse eye

First 7 Only of the Byrth and Beginning of His Love, The. Sonet 1 -

Sonet 1.

Resolud to loue vnworthie to obtayne
I doe no favoure craue but humble wise
To thee my sighes in verse I sacrifice
Only some pittie and no helpe to gayne.

Heare then and as my heart shall ay remayne
A patient obiect to thy lightning eyes
A patient eare bring thow to thundring cryes
Feare not the cracke when I the blow sustayne

So as thyne eye bred my ambitiouse thought
So shall thyne eare make proude my voyce for ioy
Loe deare what wonders great by thee are wrought

Nereides: or Sea-Eclogues - Eclogue 10


Meroe, Otys

M EROE . Otys , begin — —
Since he is gone, I'll fetch him to my Arms
By sacred Spells, and Force of Magick Charms,
Search in the Slime, you'll find the Cramp-fish there,
That, chilling stops whatever swims too near:
You'll find the Fish, that stays the labouring Ship,
Tho' ruffling Winds drive o'er the noisy Deep:
So Phorbas , while from me he perjur'd flies,
Is struck benumb'd, and fix'd with strange Surprize.


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